Friday, October 30, 2020

Next meeting of the HPKCAC on Wednesday, November 18 at 6:30pm

The HPKCAC usually meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month. Because Thanksgiving falls the day after the 4th Wednesday in November, we are moving the meeting to the 3rd Wednesday, November 18, at 6:30pm. In addition to our regular school updates, we would like to discuss the future of this CAC. It is coming time for us to hold elections for officers, but as part of that process, we want to take a look at the road ahead and assess/reassess the direction of this group and whether enough people want to keep it going. We'll start the meeting off with a short recap of our history along with the reasons why the CAC was founded and why we've kept it going. We'll then open up the floor for discussion of the following: -- Attendance at our meetings has not been robust. Should we continue to keep the Hyde Park-Kenwood CAC going? Relatedly, what would folks like to see the CAC do to make it something that more people want to participate actively in? -- There are other groups that do education-related support in the community -- LSCs, HPKCC... Is the work of the HPKCAC distinct enough that we should remain a separate group? If the HPKCAC were to fold, would it be missed? Here is the link for the meeting: Or dial in by phone: +1 385-404-5367 (PIN: 648327301)

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