Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Rise and Shine Illinois School Breakfast Grants

Under the School Breakfast Program, federal reimbursements are available to all public schools for breakfasts served to low-income children, yet only 45% of Illinois students eligible to receive breakfast actually do. Participation is often low because breakfast is either served in isolation, before the start of the school day, or there is a stigma surrounding students needing free or reduced price meals. 

Rise and Shine Illinois works with schools to reduce these barriers to participation by implementing alternative breakfast models, such as Breakfast in the Classroom and Grab N Go. While the food for the School Breakfast Program is free, there are still costs associated with delivering that food to children. Schools need equipment and supplies like insulated bags, Grab N Go carts and trash cans to make this program work. Rise & Shine Illinois offers grants to cover these extra costs.

Grants will support schools with the purchase of approved equipment, materials and initiatives facilitating alternative breakfast delivery models (such as Breakfast in the Classroom, Grab n’ Go, or Second Chance Breakfast) in an effort to increase child participation in universal School Breakfast.
Applying schools must either be implementing or be prepared to implement an alternative breakfast delivery model. Successful models include collaboration of everyone in the school district; including the School Principal, Teachers, the Food Service Nutrition Director, and the Superintendent. All applications must have authorized approval by the School Principal and Food Service Nutrition Director.
We will accept applications on a rolling basis through a series of deadlines: The 2015 application deadlines are February 15, April 15, June 15, August 15 and October 15. Please contact to begin the process.  
For more information, visit the website:

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