Friday, March 28, 2014

Next Monthly CAC Meeting- Wed, April 23 + Work Group Meeting Dates

The next monthly CAC meeting is on Wednesday, April 23.  More details and an invite to come closer to the date.  We are currently ready to survey our members to see if our meeting time needs to change.

The next Strategic Planning Work Group meeting is April 2 @ 7pm at the Reynold's Club.  This date is a little off from regularly scheduled meetings, but usually the meetings will be 4 weeks apart.  We will be discussing more about what information we'd like to collect on our schools and who will be collecting/providing said data.

The next Rapid Response Work Group meeting is Thursday, April 4 @ 4:30p at the Blackstone Library.  This group is having meetings every Thursday and encouraging people to come to at least one.  Last week the talking points per Patricia Breckenridge were:
1. Dyett and Canter will not become charters.
2.Alderman Will Burns will schedule community forums for Dyett and Canter in April.
3. Non for profit education stakeholders and partnerships are suggested for the revitalization of Dyett and Canter.
5. 3 Point Plan middle school experience pedagogy, socio-emotional curriculum and design, and early childhood education program.
6. RTI (Response to Intervention is now MTSS
7. Core instructions must be robust.
8. Collaboration with CAC liaison and FACE on high stakes testing.
9. PARCC replaces ISAT and EPAS next year. Please visit or for acronym translations.
10. Scholarships and program application due dates: Loyola University Middle School Law Camp 7/14/14 - 7/18/14, 75 enrollment due date 5/1/14, 1 (312) 258-4868; Chicago State 2014 Summer Pre-Freshman Program in Engineering and Science (PREP),tentative 6/30/14 - 8/814, application due 5/2/14, 1 (773) 995-2356, Fax# 1 (773) 995-4504; The Imani Pearls Community Development Foundation Scholarship-2014, high school seniors accepted to college or full-time college with 3.0 GPA, etc., 4/25/14 due date by 4 pm, notified by 5/30/14; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., Chgo Alumni Chapter, Edward G Irving Scholarship Foundation, GPA 3.0 on 4.0 scale, etc., due date.4/11/14, Mr. James Alexander, Wells Fargo Securities, 10 S. Wacker Dr., 18th floor, 60606 City Colleges of Chicago (CCC), Guided Pathway to Success (gps), 2 years or earlier receive Associates degree transferable to 4 yr university, and College to Careers focus areas (C2C).
Chicago Ready To Learn! Preschooler enrollment, all programs, or call 1 (312-229-1690), Children and Family Benefits Unit (CFBU) for Medicaid and Food Stsmps 1 (773) 553-5437 National Hook-Up of Black Women, ,(NHBW) Inc., non for profit organization, two $1000 cash scholarships, GPA 3.0,,etc., application due date 4/14/14, CPS, 125 S Clark, 12th floor,Chgo IL 60603; William J. Cook Scholarship Fund, Cook County High School Seniors college bound, renewable awards ftom $1000 - &5000, aplication due date , 4/15/14,, call Mary L. Meyer at 1 (507) 931- 0465

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