Monday, July 27, 2020

Free tutoring by high school students for K-12 students

An organization called Learn In Shelter is offering free tutoring for K-12 students. The tutors are high school students who earn volunteer credit.

The students are offering tutoring in Math, Science, English, History, Foreign Language, and Computer Science. The sessions are conducted via Zoom.

Click here for the flyer.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Zoom conference "Reimagining/Reinventing Police" on July 30-31

“Reimagining/Reinventing Police”

University of Chicago
Zoom Conference
July 30-31, 2020

The recent murder of George Floyd, the subsequent protests, and the police response are only the latest events to expose the often brutal and racialized character of policing in the United States, leading many to renew long-standing calls for police reform. Previous calls for reform led to the institution of new training modules (“bias training”) and other incremental measures, but recent events belie the shortcomings of such reforms. This two-day zoom conference will bring together leading social scientists, former police officers-turned-scholars, historians, activists and practitioners who will offer their views on how policing may be reimagined and reinvented, rather than just reformed. Speakers will discuss the promises and pitfalls of existing reforms and the potential for radically new alternatives. They will also offer critical analyses of current police practices, historical perspectives on policing, and international comparisons that can help illuminate the most promising paths ahead and the more perilous paths to avoid.

Registration is free and open to all. Email notification of the Zoom Webinar links for the conference will be emailed on Wednesday, July 29, to those who register to attend.

Fundraiser to support Kenwood Academy families with food gift cards

Community members are raising funds to support Kenwood Academy families dealing with food insecurity during these times.  

Donations through the link on Facebook are used to purchase gift cards which the principal of Kenwood distributes to families. All donations are tax deductible. Participating restaurants have been supporting the fundraiser, so the donations go further.

Thank you for your support!

Saturday, July 18, 2020

CPS seeking feedback on hybrid proposal for school this fall

CPS is seeking feedback regarding the hybrid plan for school this fall. There is an online survey to take: . Please complete the survey by July 31, 2020.

And there are virtual feedback meetings you can attend:
Virtual Feedback Meetings: The district will hold five meetings (three in English, two in Spanish) on the following dates. Participants must register in advance to participate.