Tuesday, November 26, 2019

CPS Survey for Stakeholders regarding SQRP (school rating system)

CPS is seeking input regarding the SQRP (School Quality Rating Policy) -- the method they use to rate schools. Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey:


Thank you!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Thank you to everyone who supported the 3rd Jane Averill Community Reading Day!

The 3rd Jane Averill Community Reading Day took place in 7 schools on Friday, November 22. Volunteers visited the Kindergarten or PreK classrooms at Ariel, Bret Harte, Murray, Ray, Reavis, Robinson, and Shoesmith and put copies of Jabari Jumps in the hands of about 400 students. Afterwards the volunteers were invited on a tour of the school by the principal.

We're grateful to CPS's FACE2 department for supporting the HPKCAC with $2900; to the Hyde Park Kenwood Community Conference for $504; to the My Very Own Library program at the University of Chicago for 50 books; and to the many community members who purchased copies of Jabari Jumps to give to the children. 57th Street Books has been a wonderful partner in this project and we're grateful for the 30% discount they gave us on the price of Jabari Jumps.

We hope that volunteers will continue to find other ways to support the schools in our community!

Here's a nice article on the event, and the grand opening of the library at Reavis, by the Hyde Park Herald: https://hpherald.com/2019/11/22/reavis-library-comes-back-to-life-on-community-reading-day/

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Next HPKCAC Meeting on November 20 at Dyett HS

The next meeting of the HPKCAC will take place on Wednesday, November 20 at Dyett High School from 6-8pm. We will be preparing for the 3rd Jane Averill Community Reading Day on Friday, November 22 and will practice techniques for reading a book aloud to young children. Retired educator Lorraine Richardson will present and we will have refreshments. We will also be inserting thank you stickers into the copies of Jabari Jumps, which we will pass out to the children on Friday.