The next meeting of the Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Action Council will take place this Wednesday, February 27 at Dyett High School at 6pm.
This meeting will be a planning meeting: we will review the main points from Jim Dispensa's presentation last month and discuss next steps that the HPKCAC community would like to take, including other speakers to invite on the topic of equity, under-enrolled schools, and the way CPS calculates "school utilization rates." We'll lay out a plan for meeting topics for the next 6 months. If you have a book recommendation that you think the HPKCAC should read and discuss, please bring your ideas.
Also, we have two requests for volunteers:
1) Please see the flyer from Tutoring Chicago.
2) Following up on the Jane Averill Community Reading Day, volunteers who read at Reavis are looking for additional help with the library there. Here is their message: We are looking for volunteers to help sort and organize books at Reavis so the school can have a functioning library once again. If you have a couple of hours to spare and are interested in helping, please contact Hannah Hayes at or Cheryl Hubbard at Days and times for working are flexible. Thank you!