Thursday, August 17, 2017

Free high school curriculum on the food system is available

A free supplementary curriculum for high school students on the topic of the food industry is available for teachers who would like to use it. The curriculum, FoodSpan, is related to the documentary film, Food Frontiers, which was part of One Earth Film Festival this spring and  includes 17 free downloadable lesson plans that span the food system from farm to plate and beyond.
All 17 free lessons in FoodSpan are aligned with social studies standards, and 11 each with science and health standards. FoodSpan delves into environmental, health and social justice issues related to the way our food is produced, processed, marketed, etc.

Professional development opportunities available for HPKCAC community

CPS is making available some professional development opportunities for CACs. Hyde Park-Kenwood CAC folks are welcome to attend any of the workshops listed below. If you would like to attend any of these workshops, please email Chasda Martin ( and let him know which session you plan to attend.

Helping Your Child Succeed: Parent Strategies for Improved Communication with Teachers and Schools
South Shore/HPK
Dyett Parent University 555 E. 51st
Dr. Tierra Winston
9am – 12pm
Understanding Trauma
Colman Building
4655 South Dearborn St
Room 409
Dr. Cyndee Langley

Understanding Parental Engagement: Closing the Gap
South Shore/HPK
Dyett Parent University 555 E. 51st
Dr. Tierra Winston

Next meeting on Wednesday, August 23 from 6-8pm at Hyde Park Art Center

The next HPKCAC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 23 at the Hyde Park Art Center (5020 S. Cornell Avenue) from 6-8pm. We'll have a full agenda with elections, discussion of our proposed upcoming Jane Averill Community Reading Day event, vote on a HPKCAC letter re: the new single application, and school updates.

If you attend HPKCAC meetings and would like to be elected to one of four leadership positions (2 co-chairs and 2 co-secretaries) please come to the meeting prepared to give a 2-minute-or-less spiel on why you would like to hold a particular position.