Sunday, June 26, 2016

Free admission to the PUSH Conference on Monday, June 27 -- Education Day

Chicago parents are invited to attend Education Day (Monday, June 27) of the PUSH Conference free of charge. 

If you are interested in accepting this invitation, please contact the Far South CAC Chair, Joyce Chapman at (773) 614-3384  or

HPKCAC supports CPS decision to keep the Special Ed Pre-K program at Bret Harte open

At the June 22 meeting, the HPKCAC voted unanimously in support of the following statement regarding the CPS decision to keep the Special Ed Pre-K program at Bret Harte Elementary School oepn:

June 22, 2016
One priority of the Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Action Council is Early Childhood Education. Our 3-point plan states: “We know that early childhood education (ECE) is foundational to our children's development, and we want our ECE options to both grow in number and in impact. The elementary schools in our area should have preschools that offer child-centered programming geared toward the well-being of the whole child and not just their academic selves.” The Bret Harte early childhood instructional classroom (Special Ed Pre-K) is such a program because it meets the special needs of children in our community. This high quality program meets an important need in our community specifically and on the south side more generally. In addition, this high quality program is a very important part of the entire community at Bret Harte Elementary School. This is a program which works. We are pleased that “CPS determined that a need exists for the early childhood instructional classroom at Harte.” (Michael Passman, CPS spokesman, June 21, 2016), and reversed a previous decision to close the program. The HPKCAC will work with Bret Harte and CPS to spread the word about this high-quality program. With our focus on quality early childhood education we are pleased that CPS will continue to offer this important component of early childhood education at Bret Harte.

HPK CAC 3-point plan

Friday, June 17, 2016

Next HPKCAC meeting to take place Wednesday, June 22, at 6pm at Kenwood HS

The next meeting of the HPKCAC will take place on Wednesday, June 22 at 6pm at Kenwood High School.

Today (June 21, 2016) we have learned that CPS has reversed its decision to discontinue the Special Ed Pre-K program at Bret Harte Elementary School.

At the meeting tomorrow night (June 22) we will vote on a statement of support for this decision.