Thursday, January 28, 2016

HPKCAC to sponsor "All About Reading" event at Kozminski on Saturday, February 27

The HPKCAC is sponsoring an "All About Reading" event on Saturday, February 27 from 1pm-3:30pm at Kozminski Community Academy (936 E. 54th Street). 

A panel of three speakers -- Jason Driver, of the Chicago Public Library; Lisa Perez, of Chicago Public Schools; and Maggie Walsh, director of STEP Literacy -- will present information and strategies to parents to help their children become strong readers.

We'll also have a raffle of free books, refreshments, and storytellers to keep children occupied while their parents listen to the speakers. 

There will be time for questions and answers and parents will also have a chance to share strategies with each other.

Everyone is welcome!

Click here for the flyer.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Next HPKCAC meeting to be held at Kenwood High School on Tuesday, January 26

Our January HPKCAC meeting will take place at 6pm in the Little Theater at Kenwood Academy High School on Tuesday, January 26 at 6pm. We'll be seeking input on the reading panel that we are planning for February and get updates from our neighborhood schools.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Sunday, January 17: Fundraiser to support Bret Harte 8th graders' trip to Washington DC

A fundraiser to support the Bret Harte 8th Graders' trip to Washington DC will be held on Sunday, January 17, from 5pm-8pm at the Seven Ten Lanes on 55th Street. All raffle proceeds will help support the trip planned for this May.

This will be a family-friendly event with free bowling!  Come, bowl, have a drink, eat some food, and buy raffle tickets! There will be a KINDLE FIRE to raffle off, an Ernie Banks-signed baseball to auction off, and other great things like $50 to The Promontory and more...

Raffle tickets are $2 or 6 for $10.  

Food at the event will be put out as a buffet, and there will be a charge of $10/person ($5 for 10yo and under) for one pass-through at the event. There will be a variety of options, like quesadillas, sliders, salad, chicken strips, etc, including vegetarian. Those paying for a plate will get a sticker to wear. Once the food that was ordered in advance is gone, folks can order off of their menu on their own. Drinks are not included, only water. Soft drinks and alcoholic drinks are available for purchase from the bowling alley. 

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Arts opportunities available for high school students

The University of Chicago Arts + Public Life and After School Matters have several different opportunities for students interested in the arts. Students may apply to a Design Apprenticeship Program (Foundations open to grades 9-12 and age 14-18 and Intermediate Project is open to ages 15-19), the Teen Arts Council (grades 9-12, focused this year on film/cinema), or the Intergenerational Theater of the Oppressed Program (anyone 9+). More information can be found on the application page

Martin Luther King Celebration to be held at Rockefeller Chapel on Monday, January 11

The University of Chicago is hosting a celebration of the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday, January 11 at 6pm at Rockefeller Chapel (59th Street and Woodlawn Avenue). The keynote address will be given by Van Jones and there will be a conversation between Virginia Tech University Distinguished Professor Nikki Giovanni and University of Chicago-affiliated Theaster Gates. The event is free and open to all with a reception afterwards in Ida Noyes Hall. For more details please see the event page.

Monday, January 4, 2016

CHANGE IN LOCATION: Community input to Chicago Police Department re: hiring of new superintendent -- January 12

The Chicago Urban League will host a community input session on Tuesday, January 12, from 6:30-8:30pm at the Kennedy-King College Auditorium at 740 W. 63rd Street. During this session, community members will be given the opportunity to directly address members of the Chicago Police Board as it moves to hire a new Chicago Police Department Superintendent.

The public is encouraged to share their recommendations on a variety of related topics, including candidate qualifications and attributes, the CPD's relationship with the African American community, and strategies for police accountability. The Chicago Urban League will synthesize the comments and suggestions into a list of recommended actions that will be presented to the Chicago Police Board and made available for public viewing.

When: Tuesday, January 12, 6:30pm-8:30pm. Doors open at 6pm.

Where: Kennedy-King College Auditorium, 740 W. 63rd Street

Who: Lori E. Lightfoot, President of the Chicago Police Board
          Police Board Members
          Shari Runner, Interim President and CEO, Chicago Urban League
    Moderator: Dometi Pongo, News Anchor, WVON 1690 AM

Format: To ensure that as many people as possible can participate, individuals will be given an opportunity to speak for up to two minutes per person.

The public is invited to submit comments online, prior to the community input session and through Friday, January 15th by visiting the Chicago Urban League Facebook Forum or via email to

 “This is a watershed moment for the CPD. The hiring of a new superintendent must reflect the input of all Chicagoans. If not, there are risks that trust between the African American community and law enforcement will be irretrievably broken,” said Shari Runner, Interim President and CEO, CUL. “Importantly, this is an opportunity for the Chicago Police Board to take into consideration some of the most pressing concerns and issues facing communities of color.”