Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Last Minute Posts for General Meeting on Wednesday, June 25...

Below are links to documents and other information that will be useful for our meeting on Wednesday, June 25th.  I realize this is getting posted very late and my apologies.

- The Network presented at the last Strategic Planning Work Group meeting.  They presented this powerpoint: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B37y1zzaR7Hnd0hROE5taGktaHM/edit

- A proposal for Dyett HS that is slated to close in July 2015 was presented at the April monthly meeting.  The proposal is up for discussion this month.  Here are the links to the information:

-  By-Laws will be a #1 priority.  Here is a link to the draft that is being presented for discussion. Specific areas that need a vote are in bold.

- The resolution on standardized testing that has been brought up at two different meetings is on the agenda for a discussion and vote.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Elections in 1 Week!! Send in your intent to run to the CAC!

Hello Community!
The Hyde Park/Kenwood CAC is holding their elections for the Leadership Team on Wednesday, June 25th, at the monthly meeting.  We will be electing two Co-Chairs and two Co-Secretaries.

If you would like to run and have not already made your nomination known, please email the current leadership team at hydeparkcac@gmail.com with your name, phone number, position you intend to run for, and anything else you would like to note about yourself.


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Grade Level Configuration for HPK Schools

Grade Level Configuration for HPK Schools

Here is a document that details the different grade levels in each of our HPKCAC schools with a few helpful notes from our Strategic Planning team.  This helps when we discuss what our schools will need.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Meeting to discuss the future of the Canter building- Monday, June 16, 6p @ Kenwood HS

Alderman Burns has called a meeting to discuss the future of the Canter building on Monday, June 16, 6p, at Kenwood High School.  Please try to attend!  Thanks!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Strategic Planning Meeting Tonight- Agenda posted here

Can you send this out to the CAC? Post on blog? 

The Strategic Planning Work Group will meet Wednesday evening, June 11, at 7pm at the Shoreland, 5454 S. Shore Drive. Anyone is welcome to attend. Representatives from Network 9 will attend and most of the meeting will be a continuation of discussion of the middle grades topic. Agenda here:

Strategic Planning Work Group
June 11, 2014
The Shoreland 5454 S Shore Drive
 7 -  8:30 pm

Please note: when you arrive for the meeting, you can tell the front door staff you are here for the meeting in the Library. The Library is located on the second floor, north end of the building.

1. Welcome and Introductions 

2. Discussion about middle grades with representative from Network 9

3. Follow up to the middle school presentation at the last full CAC meeting.

4. Brief recap of what we know about grade configuration at area schools; LSC priorities for grade configuration; Principal's feedback about middle grades (if any); actual number of classrooms in each building;

5. Next steps and tasks

6. Wrap up and adjourn

Strategic Planning Committee Charge/Job Description:   
Heads up long-term planning by communicating with stakeholders to develop strategic plan for community schools. Gathers information on schools through interviews, meetings, and data collection. Creates and revisits 3-point-plan for CPS annually, as required by CPS, with feedback from whole group.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Important dates- some happening tomorrow!!

From Lina Fritz- 
Please join us at Shoesmith's Arts Showcase Event this Wednesday, 5:30 - 8:00 PM at 1330 E. 50th Street.  There will be performances by Shoesmith Elementary's talented students and refreshments donated by Hyde Park restaurants.  This event will be in lieu of Arts in the Garden this year due to construction taking place at Shoesmith this summer.  I hope you will drop by to see some impressive student performances and sample a variety of appetizers.  Admission is only $5, kids 5 and under are free.  The money will go towards additional arts programming for the school.  Thanks for your support of our neighborhood school!

Wednesday is also the next Strategic Planning meeting:

Strategic Planning Work Group
June 11, 2014
The Shoreland 5454 S Shore Drive
 7 -  8:30 pm

Please note: when you arrive for the meeting, you can tell the front door staff you are here for the meeting in the Library. The Library is located on the second floor, north end of the building.

By-Laws Meeting is on Thursday, June 12, 7p, @ University Church (University and 57th), enter off of 57th in the courtyard.  

Chicago Urban League’s Workforce Development Department is excited to announce its annual Citywide Job Fair. The Job Fair is a collaborative event that will be held at the University of Illinois-Chicago (UIC) Forum (725 W. Roosevelt Rd) on Wednesday, June 18, 2014 10:00-2:00pm. We are exactly two-weeks away from a life changing event.  We have a unique opportunity to connect African American job seekers to employment opportunities thus, helping to BUILD a BETTER CHICAGO.  We have confirmed nearly 50 employers and will host Professional Development Workshops each hour (with raffles provided by the sponsoring companies).

I have attached the final flyers for distribution.  Please share this information with your personal and professional networks. Employers will be hiring for a variety of positions ranging from entry-level to professionalPlease let me know if you have any questions and/or are interested in volunteering on the day of the event.

Yours in the Movement,

Andrew J. Wells
Senior Manager
Workforce Development
Chicago Urban League
4510 S. Michigan Ave. | Chicago, IL 60653
Main: 773.285.5800         Office 773.451.3593      Fax 773.285.7772

Description: Description: CUL logo
To like  |  To follow | To watch                                    
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Hello All:
Please take a look at the attachment. We are sponsoring an Apps workshop with CNT to bring tech to our community and, to our youth and residents who may not get downtown. Good food will be available, and if you know of a young person who might be interested please, bring em!!

Please call if you have any questions.
Much Peace,  

Johnnie Owens 
Centers for New Horizons



Join us on Saturday, July 12th in building a city of LEGOs—we'll provide the building blocks; you provide the imagination!

Each family must sign a waiver and photo release form. Please click here to print and complete the forms ahead of time.  Limited seating is available within Crown Hall—please plan to sit on the floor with your children as they build. 
Click here for a printable poster! 
Alumni, please click here to register for our exclusive alumni breakfast with early access to LEGOs beginning at 8 a.m.! 

9 a.m.-noon | general session #1
12:30-3:30 p.m. | general session #2 
S. R. Crown Hall 3360 South State Street
Chicago, IL 60616
RSVP by Monday, July 7, 2014
Lauren Shelby at 312.567.5030 or rsvpevents@iit.edu, or click the button at the top of the page to register online. 
For transportation options and driving directions, please click here.