Thursday, February 6, 2014

Application, Guidelines, etc.

Here you will find links to the CAC application, the Guidelines that CPS provides (which will serve loosely as our by-laws for now), and a general mission statement that has been created by CPS.

Please note that we are using CPS's documents as a starting point but that the CAC may revisit, redesign, or recreate the structure and goals as we assess our community needs. This is a community-driven process.

Hyde Park/Kenwood CAC Application
Please note that you do not need to apply if you want to volunteer your time or efforts to help with any work on the CAC at this point.  By applying, you are indicating that you want to be apart of the board. This will matter more later when we encounter issues to vote on, if we decide to limit voting rights to those on the board.  CPS also tracks who has applied and their affiliation, so we can do our best to bring in a broad range of stakeholders.

Mission, Structure, Goals, Deliverables
This document with a mission statement is from CPS.  The Hyde Park/Kenwood CAC will be creating our own mission statement as we develop.  We can also revisit the structure and goals, etc.

CAC Guidelines
These are what the Hyde Park/Kenwood CAC will use as our by-laws for now, after being advised to do so by other CACs (who have spent many months, years? in creating and discussing their own by-laws).

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